Alli Saroni

Apr 52 min

April Athlete Spotlight - Meet Albert Rodriguez

Meet this month's Athlete Spotlight -- Albert Rodriguez! Albert and his wife, Elvia, got into triathlon in 2018 soon after supporting friends who were doing an IRONMAN®. They learned how to swim together and worked their way up to both racing IRONMAN® events themselves. But, Albert's most memorable event was an Olympic-distance triathlon, his second triathlon. Check out the story and Q & A with Albert!

Age: 36

Occupation: Sr Manager, Financial Planning & Analysis

How long have you been swimming, cycling, running, and/or doing triathlons?

I was coerced into triathlon in 2018. My wife, Elvia, convinced me to travel and support her friends/patients as they took on an Ironman. The whole way there and back, I was telling Elvia, "don't get any ideas!" Two weeks later, we were Paragon Training members, had ordered bikes, and were learning how to swim. Well, I'm still learning how to swim, but y'all get it!

What aspects of training and/or racing do you enjoy most?

I know triathlon is largely an individual sport, but I truly enjoy the camaraderie, the celebrating each other's successes, no matter how small. From a training perspective, it's that feeling after you complete a tough workout, you're wrecked but already having a great day!

What has been your favorite training or racing event, and why?

Bevoman, 2019. Ask Mark. Ha! My second ever triathlon, water was freezing, I didn't want to be there, let alone race. Horn went off, I swam maybe 10 strokes, and saw athletes smarter than me (or at least I thought) just hopping out of the water. I decided to do the same, only when I reached the shore I wasn't allowed out. Mark was standing right there, I forget the exact details of the conversation, but just imagine a grown man coming up with a million excuses as to why I couldn't finish the race. Anything from it's cold to I'm having an asthma attack. It ended with an agreement to swim to the next buoy before making the call. I completed the race. We laugh about it now but it was an important lesson that has left a lasting impression on me. Some would call it trauma, but here we call it the pursuit of excellence.

What is your favorite post-workout or race meal?

Pizza, cheeseburger, honestly, anything greasy.

What is one recent accomplishment you are proud of?

Becoming a dad to two beautiful little girls, they're my world! In full transparency, it's been a bit challenging to balance sport and life with two under three but we're intent and we'll be back soon.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

A beach bum, I'm jealous of how chill the island and coast life is.

What is something no one knows about you?

I've lived in Alaska, my family was stationed there for 4 years.

Why do you race/train?

My "why" when it comes to sport has changed over time, but at its core, its health, the discipline, the challenge and humility it presents, and being a good example to our children.

#athletespotlight #pursuitofexcellence #sufferfaster
