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June Athlete Spotlight - Meet Emi

Updated: Jul 29, 2020

Meet our June Athlete Spotlight, Emi Nix. Emi is an accomplished runner, fierce triathlete, and a consistent, cheerful addition to Team Paragon. She brought the creativity to our team kit designs, beanies, and so much more. Emi qualified for the Boston Marathon a year and a half ago, and she keeps getting faster and encouraging other runners to join in the pursuit. We're excited to see what she can do when the next race day eventually arrives!

Age: 31

Occupation: Architectural Programmer and Space Planning Consultant

How long have you been swimming, cycling, running, or doing triathlons?

I started running in 2010 when I signed up for my first half marathon, the Rock and Roll San Antonio half. At the time, I couldn't run a whole mile without walking. I trained for about 5 months and managed to finish the race in 2:15. My only goal for the race was to finish the distance without walking!

A running related injury in 2017 forced me to start thinking about cross training. This is when I started cycling leisurely. Triathlon started because of peer pressure- some friends can be very persistent. And I couldn't let my husband be the only Ironman in the house :)

Why do you like endurance sports?

I love the feeling of being exhausted!

What is your favorite training or racing event, and why?

Mile repeats are one of my favorite workouts. But nothing beats Track Tuesdays. I look forward to Tuesdays because running any distance with friends is what gets me up every morning.

What is your favorite post-workout or race meal?

Easy: bagel with Nutella.

What is one recent accomplishment you are proud of?

PR in the 5K distance while marathon training. And I beat my husband's PR in a Strava segment!

What do you want to be when you grow up?

A dog mom.

What is something no one knows about you?

I changed my major 3 times during the first 2 years of college: accounting, graphic design, architecture.

Athlete Spotlight
Emi Qualifies for Boston at Mesa-PHX Marathon!

Paragon Training - San Antonio Triathlon Team - San Antonio Triathlon Club

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