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January Athlete Spotlight - Meet Coach Amy

Meet our January Athlete Spotlight, Coach Amy Higginbotham! Coach Amy is our latest addition to the Paragon Training Coaching team! We're excited to learn more about her and her own triathlon journey. She's going on 15 years of multi-sport experience. Thanks for leading by example, Coach Amy, and being a part of the Paragon team!

Age: 51

Occupation: Triathlon coach, spin instructor and full-time domestic CEO

How long have you been swimming, cycling, running, and/or doing triathlons? I was never an athlete as a younger person. I was into health and fitness as a way to maintain my sanity and physique (truth), but never a competitive athlete. I did swim in high school and was on a club team (briefly) in college, but I was lazy and did not like to work. I started riding because my mother started riding and I was not to be outdone. I did my first triathlon in 2007, a super sprint, and I thought I would die. I ran my first ½ marathon in 2008 and have been pushing ever since.

What aspects of triathlon do you enjoy most? Finishing it! I do enjoy the training, but the thrill of crossing the finish line never gets old.

What has been your favorite training or racing event, and why? My favorite (and also my worst finish time) was Ironman Florida in 2018. I had a couple of people I was coaching and I was training for a PR. Unfortunately Hurricane Michael had other plans and the race was moved to Haines City. Not only was the course, terrain and location entirely different, it was also 2 weeks later. A lot of adjustments and logistics went into making it work, but we set out to do it anyway. It was the best for me because I was doing it with my husband who had suffered multiple spinal injuries and surgeries and was still able to make it to the starting line. It was a huge accomplishment for him. Unfortunately, his race started going badly about ½ way through the bike. I was able to “pull” him to finish the bike and walked the entire marathon keeping him in it. We finished together and he will be the first one to tell you that he would not have finished, had I not pushed him and stayed with him. Being able to get him across that finish line was one of the greatest moments of our lives.

What is your favorite post-workout or race meal? Chocolate milk or a coke!

What is one recent accomplishment you are proud of? I am most proud of being a mom/mentor to our son. Because he is a late in life miracle, it’s important to me to be an example of what you can do with hard work, no matter what your age. At the end of the day, races are fun and they tap into my need to compete and work and feel accomplished, but it doesn’t compare to when my son looks at me and says “I am proud of you, Mom.”

What do you want to be when you grow up? Mark Saroni or a party planner

What is something no one knows about you? I love the treadmill-sssshhhh don’t tell anyone.


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